Complaints and appeals in relation to young people, their sports leaders and their parents involved in any of the events under the direct control of the Ulster Hockey should be dealt with under the ‘IHA Code of Ethics Complaints and Appeals Procedures’.


The complaints and appeals procedure allows all participants and the parents of young participants who are dissatisfied to register their complaint in a formal way and put an open process of investigation into action.

  1. Complaints should be dealt with as much as possible verbally at source locally.
  2. Complaints may be lodged by all participants and the parents of young participants involved in the event under the control of the UH
  3. They should be received in writing by the Executive Manager of Ulster Hockey and should be responded to within 5 working days.
  4. The complaint should outline all relevant details about other parties involved.
  5. The complaint should be brought to the attention of the Chairperson of the Management Board who will convene the complaints committee.
  6. The composition of the complaints committee should consist of a representative of the Management Board, the Designated Officer and members of the Club to which the complainants belong.
  7. If the complaint involves a possible criminal offence the Chairperson should disband the complaints committee and talk to the Designated Officer. The statutory authorities will then be informed.
  8. The complaints committee should hear the case of all parties involved and decide if a rule or regulation or the Code of Ethics has been infringed
  9. They should, in writing, inform those involved of the sanctions to be imposed and the reason for the sanctions. Written notification should be given to parents if the complaint is against a young person
  10. Written confidential records on all complaints should be kept safely and confidentially on file.
  11. If any party does not agree with the complaints committee, they can appeal the decision in writing to the IHA Appeals committee within a 10-day period.
  12. The appeals committee is convened, whose chairperson should be taken from the executive committee and those who have not been on the original complaints committee
  13. The appeals committee should confirm or set aside or change any sanction imposed by the complaints committee
  14. For ‘Discipline in Children’s Sport’ including appropriate sanctions for children see The IHA Code of Ethics – Appendix 3 – Discipline in Children’s Hockey


Reporting Procedure
Reporting Suspected or Disclosed Child Abuse/Neglect

The following steps should be taken in reporting child abuse/neglect to the statutory authorities:

  1. Observe and note dates, times, locations and contexts and any action taken in which the incident occurred or suspicion was aroused, together with any relevant information.
  2.  Report the matter as soon as possible to the Designated Person within Ulster Hockey (Hilary Reid)
  3. The most appropriate person should check out the concerns with the parents/guardians before making a report unless doing so would endanger the child.
  4.  If the Designated Person has reasonable grounds for believing that the child has been abused or is at risk of abuse, s/he will make a report to the local Social Services who have statutory responsibility to investigate and assess suspected or actual child abuse.
  5. Report can be made verbally initially and then followed up in writing.
  6. In cases of emergency, where a child appears to be at immediate and serious risk and the Designated Person is unable to contact a duty social worker, the police authorities should be contacted.
  7. If the Designated Person is unsure whether reasonable grounds for concern exist s/he can informally consult with Social Services.  S/he will be advised whether or not the matter requires a formal report.  If a decision is made not to report the concern should be recorded with reasons for not reporting.
  8. A Designated Person reporting suspected or actual child abuse to the Statutory Authorities will first inform the family of their intention to make such a report, unless doing so would endanger the child or undermine an investigation.


Ulster Hockey Designated Person:

Hilary Reid



Complaints & Appeals

Vetting and Recruitment Process and Forms for Clubs

Allegation Incident Record Form Child Protection

Procedure for Dealing with Concerning Behaviour of Club Member

Procedure for Dealing with Concerns External to the Organisation

IHA Code of Ethics for Hockey for Young People

UH Code of Ethics for Young People