Young Umpires Programme

The Young Umpires training course is designed to be an introduction to hockey umpiring for young people aged 15 to 18. This course will focus on how to umpire youth hockey looking specifically at U11,  U13  and U15 youth hockey.

The Young Umpires course is the first course in the hockey umpiring pathway and is a great way to get a taste of umpiring.

The course is 2 hours 30 mins in duration and focuses on delivering basic hockey umpiring to U11, U13 and U15 youth hockey. The course will be broken into two parts. There will be time spent inside looking over the theory part of being an umpire (rules, regulations , hand signals etc.) and outside looking at the practical side of umpiring (umpiring young kids).

Ulster Hockey want kids to get as much out of this umpiring course as possible and to ultimately enjoy overseeing youth hockey matches in the coming season.

The cost of the course is £15 per person. The costs of tutelage along with a Young Umpires T- Shirt and whistle .

You must be between 15 – 18 years of age to take part in this training course.


Please contact Michelle McMillian fore more information